What do we mean by Friction Fit?
In simple terms, every wood iPhone case made has a mechanical connection to the phone. It snaps in, wraps around, or slips on in more than one piece. Have you ever struggled to remove a case from your iPhone? Nearly dropped it or flung it across the room? We asked the question why. There must be a better way.
Our cases are different
Machined from a single piece of wood, the case is precise to 1/1000 of an inch. In developing a case that would hold your iPhone safely, yet still was easy to slip on and off, we came up with a simple, yet effective patent-pending solution.
Lining the inside edges with thin cork solved several problems:
1) Grip - The cork grips the iPhone with its high coefficient of friction. The cork compresses slightly when your iPhone is inserted
2) Thermal Expansion - Wood moves, the cork absorbs this movement by compressing
3) Padding - The cork adds an extra level of protection to your phone
We not only chose cork because it is a natural material, produced sustainably from trees, but also for its science.
Simply put, because of a complex materials science equation involving Poisson's Ratio, cork is amazing.
When compressed, it rebounds, for a long time. Rubber and other squishy materials eventually loose their ability to rebound. Think about why corks have been holding back wine for hundreds of years...
Cork has been used in fine musical instruments, as flooring, padding, gaskets, and many other uses. It is durable and perfect for its application in Kerf Cases.